Note: For questions or remarks about the chat, please open a ticket at our
support system, or find us on IRC in chatroom #help. |
It is possible for you to add a chatbox
on your homepage,
and from there to have users access a room on our server. How to do this is outlined below.
Note: By followng the instructions on this page you can
only generate HTML code to add our chat on your website. This is a
seperate process from actually registering your chatroom on our server.
To register a chatroom, you can follow the instructions in: "Register
your own chatroom". Chatroom registration is ofcourse also free :)
Also please note that when you register a chatroom, you will need to use the
same chatroom name as the one you fill out in the
form below.
This form will
generate the customized code which you can add to your website. You can
modify the code yourself if you know what you are doing, but we cannot
give support on any modifications you make.
The items which can be
customized are in the image below. The colour settings in this image are
the default.

This is version
(released october 2006) of this chat layout/script, and no matter how
often we checked, people might still find errors. We hope that when you
find a bug, or have ideas (like a cool additional smiley set) for
improvement, that you write to, or post a message to the
Webchat support forum. We will ofcourse continue
development of this script, and there will be more customizable options
included soon. Any new modifications made by us won't interfere with the
workings of your chat.
Updates since version
- Spaces in chatroom
name are now changed to "-" since the server does not support spaces.
- Webmasters can now
choose between 3 sets of smileys.
- Chatters can now
choose between 3 screensizes. The biggest size almost fills up the
full screen at 1024*768 resolution.
- Menu's on top of
the chat are modified so that longer chatroom names no longer result
in the menu's taking up 2 lines.
- 1.5.2:
New jpilot chat software added. This comes with the following
notable improvements:
- Multiple channels (chatrooms) -
As of this version, chatters can use multiple channels at the same
time. So this means you no longer have to quit one channel in order
to enter the next. All open channels are listed in the part of the
screen where you also see the users. Only one channel can be active
however, but if someone says something in a channel you have open,
but which is not active, a star will flash behind it. To access that
channel, simply click on it.
- Saving to clipboard - People
have been asking us for years why it wasn't possible to save text.
This new version of jpilot now has that option. Simply select the
rows you want to copy, and you can copy it to the clipboard.
- Clicking on links - Now you
can click on links without your chat window being overwritten.
Clicking a link will now result in a new browser window opening.
- DCC file transfer - It is now
possible to transfer files between users by means of DCC. Users can
do this by clicking on a user, and then use the right mouse button
and select the file transfer option. This is a nice feature...
however, caution is advised. Do not accept a file transfer unless
you know and trust that person. Also, transferred files have their
extension changed automatically, so you have to change back that
file extension.
Note: Some people may receive Javascript errors, or other
java related issues upon
loading the chatwindow. This is most likely caused by Mircrosoft Virtual
Machine in Windows XP. Windows XP by default no longer comes with Virtual Machine,
and is also no longer supported by our chat program.
To solve this issue,
you need the Java runtime software from SUN (most people will already
have this runtime module installed). This can be downloaded from the
link below: