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Note: For questions or remarks about the chat, please open a ticket at our support system, or find us on IRC in chatroom #help.

If you visited this page from a link you received in a ban message, then this means you have been banned by our Open Proxy Monitor. An explanation can be found below.

Why was I banned?

You were banned bacause either our Open Proxy Scanner found an unsafe proxy port to be open on your system, or your IP address is listed in one of the 3rd party blacklists we query.

We perform these scans to ensure a safe IRC experience for everyone by helping our network to be clean of botnets, drones, virusses and spammers.

We understand that there is a chance that innocent chatters can get caught by this though. For example, if you inherited the IP address of someone who has been listed in a blacklist before. It could however also be that you are infected by a virus, spyware or another form of malware, which causes you to harm the Chat4All IRC Network or other networks without you knowing of it.

Therefor we would like to ask you to please take some time to verify that your computer isn not running any Open Proxies, or perhaps infected with any computer virus or malware.

How to check for malware? (Windows)

You could first check every pc in your network with a virus scanner. You can find an online scanner at TrendMicro Housecall or free downloadable anti-virus applications such as Avast or Avira.

Apart from checking for viruses, it is also suggested to check for spyware and other malware with free tools such as SpyBot: Search and Destroy, AdAware and F-Secure Blacklight.

Finally, to make sure you are not running any Open Proxies, it is advised to have a personal firewall running on the computers in your network, such as Agnitum Outpost, Comodo Personal Firewall, PC Tools Firewall, Online Armor Free or Zone Alarm Basic Firewall. Turning on the Windows Firewall will in most cases be efficient enough.

How to get unbanned?

The link should be in the ban message. Please go there and request removal.

Reporter's Hostname: ec2-3-14-249-125.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com
Reporter's IP Address:
IP mentioned in ban message:
Non-configured DNSBL '4' supplied

Upon notification by us (via the support desk) that you have been removed from the  network's banlist, you should be able to log into chat again. In most cases though, bans are automatically lifted after 24 hours.



Original code created by Filip H.F. "FiXato" Slagter, and modified by Adonis for use on the Chat4all.org IRC Network.

Copyright © 2000-2010 Chat4All.Org